Tuesday, August 30, 2011

EZ-7 Detox is great for beginners or for those who are
very active and don’t have the time to devote to
our next phase of the program (Detox 7).
On this particular program, the herbs and cleansing
shakes are taken twice a day, AND you get to eat
three meals a day. This is a way to detox at a slower
pace and ease the body into the detoxification
process. Keep in mind that EZ-7 Detox is the milder of
the two.
Please note that the less food the body has to digest,
the more energy it has to cleanse making the detox
process more intense. Raw foods also speed up the
cleansing process making the results more dramatic.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Friday, August 19, 2011

Here are a few important points about herbs people should know. Herbs assist the body with the healing process or they help supply the body what it needs,the body is a self healing entity, herbs work with the body. Most herbs do not have side effects unless taken in large amounts. Herbs and diet are a package deal, herbal products are not meant to work while eating potato chips and drinking pop.
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

 Today, I'm writing to share a topic that can absolutely support men
to enhance the quality of their lives.

Did you know that Testosterone begins declining in men as early as
the mid-30's and can result in an increased risk of diabetes, heart
disease and obesity?

This condition is called Andropause.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels include anxiety, reduced
libido, loss of lean muscle mass and low stamina, as well as

Do you suffer from any of these symptoms, or do you know any men
with these issues?

The medical community has been very slow to recognize how serious
this problem is and it is likely that your doctor has never
discussed it with you before.

It is possible to increase your testosterone levels with
testosterone creams and injections. Unfortunately, these methods
can be very expensive and also come with increased risks for
prostate cancer, so your blood must be checked on a regular basis
to monitor for any possible negative effects.

There is however, good news.

We have a product called long jac100 that is made with pure Tongkat Ali

extract 100:1 Its a tree root that grows in Malaysia. There are no other ingredients such as Maltodextrin, binders or fillers.

It naturally increases your body's levels of testosterone to
levels that were previously only possible with expensive and
potentially dangerous testosterone injections.

These results have been verified by blood tests on over 300 men and
the testosterone level increases are nothing short of amazing, with
none of the side effects associated with testosterone injections
and creams.

Here are the benefits that the subjects in tests have reported and
you may receive the same benefits within just 21 days!

1. Increased energy and stamina
2. Increase in Libido.
3. Ability to lift more weight during workouts.
4. Faster recovery from workouts with no sore joints
5. Increase in lean muscle mass.
6. Increase in testosterone levels in 21 days
7. Fat loss especially around the stomach area

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Join one, join all! Next week, Ancestral Medicinals will be hosting a webinar. All of the questions you have can be answered plus AMAZING deals on our products. Stay tuned for details!
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Most of life is habitual. You do the same things you did yesterday, the day before and every day for the last month. It’s estimated that out of every 11,000 signals we receive from our senses, our brain only consciously processes 40.

Habits, good or bad, make you who you are. The key is controlling them. If you know how to change your habits, then even a small effort can create big changes.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Monday, June 27, 2011



A clogging up of the entire pipe system of the human body. Special accumulation points are the tongue, the stomach and particularly the entire digestive tract. This last is the real and deeper cause of bowel constipation. The average person has as much as 40 pounds of undigested feces in the bowels continually, poisoning the blood stream and the entire system. Think of it.....

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Stress is any change in your normal routine or health. Stress occurs when bad things happen, as well happy things. Getting a raise or promotion is stress, just as getting fired from your job is stress.

Speculative changes cause just as much stress as veritable changes. Pensiveness or anguish about whether you will get that new job is stress the same as being offered a new position is stress.

What Causes Stress?

Women are particularly susceptible to stress caused by hormonal changes. During puberty, your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause your hormone levels fluctuate consistently and cause stress.

Emotional and physical changes that happen in your life, illnesses, and environmental components such as extreme heat, cold, or altitude, and toxins cause stress. Pushing your body too hard at work or at play will soon deplete your body of the energy it needs to restore itself and result in your becoming over stressed.

Stress Related Illness

Science is constantly learning about the impact that stress has on your overall health. Stress is or may be a contributing factor in everything from backaches and insomnia to cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome (many people believe that CFS and fibromyalgia are the same illness).

Stress is often a key factor when women experience either absence of menstruation or abnormal bleeding. Hormonal imbalances caused by stress may proliferate the symptoms of fibroid tumors and endometriosis, as well as make pregnancy difficult to achieve for couples with fertility problems.

Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. High blood pressure, heart attacks, heart palpitations, and stroke may be stress related cardiovascular conditions. Some women experience changes in their sexuality and encounter various sexual dysfunctions such as loss of desire and vaginal dryness as a result of stress.

Often people feel the effects of stress as fatigue, various aches and pains, headaches, or as emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. Stress affects others by causing gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers, lower abdominal cramps, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Frequently people under the effects of over stress will have more colds and infections due to lowered immune system responses. Stress can initiate dermatological conditions such as itchy skin and rashes.

Steps to Reducing Stress and Improving Your Health...

Eliminating stress completely from your life is impossible. However, implementing some stress management techniques can subdue some of its' harmful effects. Stress management includes following a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and making time for uninterrupted relaxation. For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice

The sun unleashed a powerful solar flare and eruption Tuesday just in time for the summer solstice: the first day of the summer in Earth's Northern Hemisphere.

The solar storm occurred in the early hours of Tuesday and was spotted by the space-based Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) operated by NASA and the European Space Agency, according to the website Spaceweather.com, which monitors space weather and skywatching events.

Spaceweather.com officials said a moderate C7-class solar flare kicked off the solar storm and triggered a massive eruption of plasma, known as a coronal mass ejection.

"Magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1236 erupted during the early hours of June 21st, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth," Spaceweather.com stated in an alert. "The incoming CME does not appear to be particularly potent; nevertheless, the cloud could trigger polar geomagnetic storms when it reaches Earth on or about June 23rd."

In one SOHO image from about 12:12 a.m. EDT, the eruption can be see streaming out from the sun near the top of the frame, appearing like a bright crown over the star. The event coincided with the summer solstice on Earth — a time when the sun is at its most northern point in the sky — which mark's the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as the first day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Class C7 solar flares are the least powerful type of flares. The more-powerful M-class solar flares are classified as medium-strength events, with intense X-Class flares topping the solar storm list.

Coronal mass ejections are massive eruptions of charged particles and solar material from the sun's surface. Some of these particles are blown out into space, while others can rain back down onto the sun's surface.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Monday, June 20, 2011

Doormat Syndrome

‘Doormat’ Syndrome

Healthy living isn’t about just caring for our bodies, but it’s also about looking after our mental and emotional well-being too. People who behave passively often feel that their lives are outside of their own control, something that not only impairs their quality of life but also can even lead them into depression and anxiety. Unable to express their own opinions, wants and needs, they frequently back down in the face of even the slightest resistance and often feel obliged to say yes when what they really want to say is no.

Although, in certain circumstances, all of us will choose the path of least resistance, there is a big difference between this and feeling unable to stand up for ourselves. In the first case, we do things willingly and we are not filled with resentment. In the second, though, the sense of obligation that comes out of our low sense of self-worth and our feelings of inferiority and guilt makes us feel angry and put-upon as we continually ignore our own needs and meet the demands of others.

Essentially, we teach others how to treat us with every interaction that we have, and if we behave like a doormat, others will treat us as such. In some cases, where feelings of low self-worth are long-standing and deep-rooted, professional help is necessary to address these so that we can learn to act more assertively, but in others, all it takes is to attend a short assertiveness course.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why Cleanse?

Due to unhealthy lifestyles and poor eating habits most people, young and old, are developing serious problems in the intestinal tract which often times may contribute to the development of many degenerative diseases such as: heart problems, cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc. It has been said that modern day man digs his own grave with his fork and spoon. It is estimated that over 90% if disease can be directly or indirectly related to an unhealthy digestive system.

Cleansing is a way to get rid the body of waste material that has been eliminated. The terms: cleanse and Detox are used often but there meanings are not the same. The term Detox is short for detoxification and it means eliminating toxins from the body. The liver is the main detoxification organ and it is responsible for neutralizing toxic substances, but it eventually the toxins become too much for the liver to handle, leaving the body exposed to these toxic materials, that’s why Detoxifying the body is so important. On the other hand, cleansing usually means eliminating waste material from the body.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Before and During Detox (7-Day)


Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Berries, Cherries, Cucumbers, Dates, Figs,

Grapes, Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, All Melons, Mangoes, Nectarines,

Oranges, Peaches, Plums, Pineapples, Pears, Persimmons, Tomatoes


Asparagus, Beets, Bell Peppers, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts,

Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Collards, Corn (fresh), Dandelion Greens,

Eggplant, Flax seed, Garlic, Green foods(Algae, Spirulina, Chlorella),

Green Peas, Green Beans, Kale Greens, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Mustard

Greens, Jicama Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peppers, Purslane, Quinoa,

Radishes, Rhubarb, Seaweeds (Nori, Dulse, Kelp, Wakame, etc.), Shallots,

Spinach (raw),Sprouts, Squash (summer), Turnip Greens, Vegetable

Broths and Soups, Watercress, Wheat Grass juice.

Avocados, Apple Cider, Vinegar (raw), Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic, Maple

Syrup, Parsley


Alcohol, Arrowroot Powder, Aspirin, Barley, Black Pepper, Cake, Canned or

Frozen Food, Cereals, Chick Peas, Dairy Products including Butter and Ice

Cream, Eggs, Grains (EXCEPT Starch-less ones), Honey, Legumes, Lentils,

Mustard, Niacin, Oatmeal, Nuts, Pasta, Popcorn, Rice, Salt, Seeds, Soda,

Soft drinks, Sugar-All Forms (Any Ingredient ending –ose), Stimulates, Tofu,

and Soy Products, Vinegar (distilled), Cigarettes.

All Wheat products including Germs, and Bran All Preservatives, Artificial



For more information on the seven day detox and natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Monday, June 13, 2011

Calm and Clear Thoughts

Everyday we are afforded an opportunity to advance. More often than not, we are too bogged down with past days cares to move forward. Wonder what your would be like if you didn't dwell on the mediocre offenses, or any insignificant thing. Wonder what your day would be like if you took into consideration your core strengths and used them to push past your few insecureties. Wonder what your day would be like if you encouraged yourself opposed to worrying. Now, wonder what today would be like if you didn't have to waste time wondering and just lived for today with tomorrow in mind. Everything begins with a thought, but don't think too long. It then becomes a fantasy. Start your day off with a calm and powerful affirmation that you are the artist to the blueprint of your life. You will have to make changes from time to time. So what. Do it calm and clear.
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eliminate illness from your life

Our bodies can literally die in their own waste if it is not eliminated. Many of us, even the very health conscious, need a Spring clean from time to time. Others need a more concentrated clear-out, following years of unhealthy eating and drinking habits, or sluggish metabolism and poor powers of elimination - perhaps all three! In order to build new healthy cells, old ones must be broken down and shed as quickly as possible.
For more information on our all natural detox program go to http://www.ancestralmedicinals.com/

Coffee Enemas

Enemas and Colonics were used routinely in hospitals. Coffee enemas were mentioned in older editions of the Merck Manual, a handbook for medical physicians.They were later popularized by Max Gerson, MD, author of A Cancer Therapy - Results of 50 Cases. Dr. Gerson pioneered nutritional therapy for cancer and other diseases with excellent results. His therapy combined coffee enemas with a special diet, juices and other supplements. The enemas were an integral part of the therapy.
The major benefit of the coffee enema, according to Dr. Gerson, is to enhance the elimination of toxins through the liver. Indeed, endoscopic studies confirm that the coffee enema increases bile output. The major benefit of the coffee enema, according to Dr. Gerson, is to enhance the elimination of toxins through the liver. Indeed, endoscopic studies confirm that the coffee enema increases bile output.To test this idea, a patient was given a coffee enema while an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera on the end to view the intestine) monitored the entrance to the common bile duct. Within minutes of administering the enema, bile flow increased.
Increased bile flow also alkalinizes the small intestine and promotes improved digestion. Coffee also acts as an astringent in the large intestine, helping clean the colon walls.

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Enema Basics

"Enema" usually refers to a liquid that is forced (by low pressure) into the rectum, through anus, in order to induce bowel movement, or to wash/cleanse colon, or to re-populate colon with good bacteria, or to treat colon disease and colon related illness!
As far back as man has used tools to make his life and health better there is evidence that healers sought to unplug and let flow the waste from their patients. Giving enemas to treat the sick dates back to a time before writing. Water flowed from the gourds of medicine men and women into the bowels of the ancients as it still does today. The euphoria that commonly follows a good enema and the level of health that accompanies good elimination is known now as then. The cleaning of waste from within the body with an occasional washing is healthful and not to be poo pooed--- well, may be poo pooed, but at least not underestimated. Enemas relieve constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, painful menstruation, depression, toxicity, colitis, diverticulosis, common migraines, tension headaches, acne, allergies and fevers. They stimulate the immune system in infectious disease. The enema is used in preparation for child birth, for internal cleansing, as preparation for religious rites and experiences and more. Although it is not a very commonly asked question, most people would admit to having their rectums visited by an enema nozzle at least once.
With all this history, experience and success, the enema is yet to be studied with any degree of rigor. This is unfortunate. The simple enema is one of the least expensive, proven therapies in the modern medicine chest. Even with the frequency of its use and benefits, it is not talked about or written about. Many people who would greatly benefit from having two or three cents worth of warm water correct their problems, instead take more dangerous, expensive, unnatural cures. A familiar site in many homes is the family enema bag hanging on the back of the bathroom door. This tradition has probably been with us as long as there have been bathroom doors on which to hang these bags to dry. A group of bags hanging up drying would be better, one for each person on the receiving end. This time honored tradition has a good reason. Its presence there is much more than just for the amusement of your brothers, sisters, school chums, neighbors, etc., that see it there. A little drop of water hanging from the draped nozzle tells all passers by that it has recently been in someone's REAR.

You need enema if you are diagnosed, or you suspect to be suffering from: Constipation, Candidiasis , Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns Disease, Colitus), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colon Cancer, Hemorrhoids, Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, Enlarged Prostate, Allergies, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Gallstones, MCS, MS, FMS, Infertility, Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Body Odor, Mouth Odor, Peeling Lips, Rosacea, ALS, AIDS, Bone Cancer, Leukemia, Parasites, Infectious Diseases, ... For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Monday, May 2, 2011


"Sweet Flag"
Very aromatic and it grows abundantly under moist conditions, such as near a pond or a stream or swamp, also can be found in ditches. Children suffering from colic or adults who suffer from various kinds of indigestion have been known to take calamus for quick relief of their symptoms. American Indians also used calamus for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments like stomach-ache, toothache and fever, and also for menstrual problems of several kinds.
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Poultices and Compresses

Many herbal remedies are applied directly to the skin as poultices - usually on rashes and wounds and as topical pain-relieving remedies. Poultices are prepared in various ways  chewing up fresh leaves or roots and spitting them out onto the skin, to mashing up fresh leaves or roots by hand or with a mortar and pestle. Sometimes just enough hot water is poured over dried or fresh plant material to soften them. Then the wet herbs are placed directly on the skin or between two pieces of cloth and laid on the skin. A light cotton bandage to bind the poultice to the area is generally used (or in the woods, a nice large flexible leaf is commonly employed and tied with a bit of twine). Compresses are simply soaking a cloth in a prepared infusion, tincture or decoction and laying the cloth onto the affected part of the body/skin. Since most people will only have access to dried plant materials to work with, using compresses instead of poultices will suffice for poultice remedies.For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Healing Crisis

During a fast healing comes in many forms.It is hard to predict who will have which symptoms, and most people will have none.The most common are in the first 3 days, when we experience withdrawal and superficial symptoms of breaking our habits of eating and digesting solid food. For some, later in a fast they may experience what is sometimes called a healing crisis, where the body starts to heal a deeper illness.
Common symptoms are one of discharge: runny nose, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, vaginal discharge, urinary symptoms, bad breath, coated tongue(you can just about count on this one),
withdrawal: headache, irritability, nausea, anxiety, insomnia, sleepiness, impatience
inflammation: fever, abscess, flu symptoms, skin disease, any kind of inflammation symptoms
you may experience exacerbation of chronic illnesses, such as kidney stones, urinary infection, sore throats, etc.
These are all temporary. Just take a deep breath, say thank you to your higher self for being smart enough to heal you, and LET GO.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Monday, April 25, 2011


 All cells and all organs are dependent upon    
a well-functioning digestive system. When
digestion is off, even good food can become
toxic. Continuation of this problem can cause
our bodies to weaken and become more prone
to deficiencies, congestion, and disease.
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 Feverfew a beautiful flowering plant and a member of the daisy family, is edible and medicinal. This camphor-scented herb was once known as featherfew because of the plant's lacy leaves. Used medicinally since at least the early 1800s, it is said to be exceedingly effective in controlling migraine headaches, and for relief from arthritis, psoriasis and tension. An infusion made from the whole plant is used in the treatment of arthritis, colds, fevers, as a sedative and to regulate menses. Also used as a foot bath for swollen feet. Applied externally as a tincture, the plant is used in the treatment of bruises. Chewing several leaves a day has proven to be effective in preventing some migraine headaches. Feverfew’s sedative properties make it useful in hysterical complaints, nervousness, low spirits, and is a general tonic. Also said to be good as a syrup for coughs, wheezing and breathing difficulties. The dried flower buds are said to have the same properties as pyrethrum, and used as an insecticide. An essential oil from the plant is used in perfumery.
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Saturday, April 23, 2011


Not just a culinary herb for cooking, traditionally, rosemary has been used medicinally to improve memory, relieve muscle pain and spasm, stimulate hair growth, and support the circulatory and nervous systems. It is also believed to increase menstrual flow, act as an abortifacient (causing miscarriage), increase urine flow, and treat indigestion. Easy to grow in your yard, take advantage of this herb for culinary or medicinal
. Applied topically (to the skin), rosemary oil is sometimes used to treat muscle pain and arthritis, and to improve circulation.
Historically, rosemary has been used to stimulate hair growth. Rosemary is often used in aromatherapy to increase concentration and memory, and to relieve stress.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011


Western medical science says there is no cure for the common cold, the problem is if you start with a wrong premise your conclusion will never be right. Science says that the cold is caused by a virus, and they are looking for "Drugs" to kill this virus, they say that the reason a cure is difficult to find is because the virus mutates "changes form."

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Diabetes/ Blood Pressure

Diabetes is a DIS-ease that is caused by eating too many processed foods, starch and sugar. Contrary to western science the main purpose of the Pancreas is to release insulin into the blood stream to balance the blood sugar. The pancreas performs this function out of necessity because of the S.A.D. ( standard American diet). The result is the pancreas becomes overworked and enlarges( people in the US pancreas' size on average is twice the size it is suppose to be). The first step in healing both conditions is to detoxify. Detoxification helps elimination organs such as the liver and kidneys, to remove toxins, so they can help to remove waste from the body. Once the waste and toxins are removed the body can balance the blood sugar, and normalize the pressure. We have products that are 100% plant based to assist the body in this process: Gluco-Aide and Blood Pressure Relief. Cayenne by itself will not normalize the pressure because it not just about circulation, High pressure in the blood is the result of waste material in the blood stream that is not being eliminated properly. The waste causes the blood to get thick making the heart have to pump harder. The extra burden on the heart creates pressure in the system and causes the heart to enlarge, another organ that is being overworked due to SAD, this is the short version of why!!!!
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


 Hyssop is in the mint family as evident by its square stem. Hyssop bears blue to purplish blue colored flowers and these bloom from the month of July in the summer through October in the fall. Hyssop and its oil are mainly used to treat respiratory problems. Hyssop is used for the treatment nasal congestion and mild irritations of the respiratory tract, and bronchitis.The active ingredients of Hyssop facilitates the expectoration of mucus.
It is very mild and has been safe to when dealing conditions of the lungs.
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lacinato Kale

  Lacinato  also called Dinosaur Kale
An original Italian heirloom that dates back to the eighteenth century.  'Dino' kale has deep blue-grey, super-savoyed long and narrow leaves, excellent flavor.  Extremely winter hardy variety becomes sweeter after a hard frost This plant has twice the level of anti-oxidant carotenoids compared to hybrid varieties of Kale. Best eaten when leaves are small and tender.

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 Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) is a plant in the mint genus, within the family Lamiaceae. Crushed Pennyroyal leaves exhibit a very strong fragrance similar to spearmint. Pennyroyal is a traditional culinary herb, folk remedy, and abortifacient. (abort fetus) The essential oil of Pennyroyal is used in aromatherapy,  a highly toxic volatile organic compound affecting liver and uterine function.
Strongly aromatic with a menthol-mint aroma. A hardy ground cover used as an insect repellant.
The most popular current use of the tea is to settle the stomach. Other reported medicinal uses through history include treatment for fainting, flatulence, gall ailments, gout, and hepatitis (presumably Hepatitis A), and as a lung cleanser, a gum strengthener and, when ground with vinegar, a tumor remedy.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Hopi Red Dye Amaranth

An ancient starchless grain with an outstanding flavor. Its deep red baby leaves and rosettes brighten salad mixes; young plants make nutritious steamed greens; flowers can be used in bouquets; and the seeds are ground into a high protein, gluten-free(starch-less) flour. Traditionally used by the Hopis as a ceremonial food dye to produce red cornbread.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water
It is important to hydrate the body with alkalizing water. Like the earth on which we live, our bodies are 70% water. Food cravings are often the body's cry for water. A thirst for water will begin as one begins to hydrate with water.

A diet high in acid foods such as meat, dairy, grains, high sugar fruits and bread, causes acid wastes to build up in the body. When acid wastes enter our blood stream, the blood system will attempt to dispose of these wastes in liquid form through the lungs or the kidneys. If there are too many wastes to handle, they are deposited in various organ systems like the heart, pancreas, liver, colon, and other locations.

The breakdown of this disposal process of acid waste could also be called "the aging process". To slow down and reverse this process, one must begin by removing this over-acidification of the blood and tissues by including liberal amounts of alkaline water in the diet. Alkaline water has a pH between 9 and 11, and will neutralize harmful stored acid wastes and gently remove them from the tissues. Your
water filter can alkalize your drinking water and also create acid water, both beneficial:

Benefits of Alkaline Water – Internal Use
• Regulates blood pressure
• Helps digestive problems
• Balances body's pH
• Reduce acidosis
• Reverse Aging
• Increased Energy
• Urea stones dissolved
• Good antioxidant source
• Cooked foods and beverages requiring water taste better

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Autumn Hawkbit

Autumn Hawkbit
Often times mistaken for Dandelion, but the leaves are finer and the deep lobes are symmetrical. Also the flower stalks are not hollow and may be branched, both are in the Compositae family. It closely resembles Cat's Ear, except it does not have the hairs on the stems and leaves.
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sassafras "root beer" herb
Sassafras grows at the edges of forests, in thickets, and along residential streets in the eastern half of the U.S. It's in season all year. If you tear or crush the leaves, they smell like root beer. You can make tea with the leaves by pouring boiling water over a handful, letting them sit covered, away from the heat, 20 minutes, then straining out the leaves. The root is has a stronger favor, and can be used as a blood purifier. You can also chew on sassafras twigs to freshen your breath.
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Cat's Ear
Also known as "false" Dandelion, it is often mistaken for dandelion, but there are a few small differences , Catsear flowering stems are forked and solid, Dandelions possess un-forked stems that are hollow. Both plants have leaf grouped together and a central taproot. The leaves of dandelions are jagged in appearance, whereas those of catsear are more lobe-shaped and hairy. Both plants have similar uses, although dandelion has higher mineral content.

For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com


A common edible weed with a mild, sweet-sour flavor and a chewy texture. Purslane just happens to contain alpha-linolenic acid, one of the highly sought-after Omega-3 fatty acids. Why pay money for fish oil when you can grow your own Omega-3 fatty acids as part of your edible landscaping? Not only does purslane have leaves in Omega-3 fatty acid, but it also has stems high in vitamin C. Omega-3 fatty acids are instrumental in regulating our metabolism. Purslane contains a very high concentration of alpha-linolenic acid, several times the concentration in spinach.
For more information on natural health and wellness go to http://ancestralmedicinals.com


"Wild" Senna
Its lovely bright yellow flowers blooming in July and August attract bees and butterflies; followed by beautiful fall foliage. This is the infamous herbal laxative, the whole plant is used, the pods have the strongest laxative effect, can cause gripping if not used with a Carminative.

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Monday, April 11, 2011


Grows wild in the Midwest, it is a bitter plant that can be used to treat digestive issues. It keeps the digestive system stimulated and moving smoothly. Wormwood improves digestion by stimulating the production of stomach acid and bile. It helps to relieve gas and bloating and can help convalescing patients gain their strength. As its name implies it also helps to expel intestinal parasites. In addition, it can be used to repel or kill insects.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011


A member of the mint family, as its name implies cats simple love this plant, when they rub against it, it's like "cat-crack" to them!!! Tea made from catnip has been used to relieve intestinal cramps and gas discomforts, also they have been applied to sore breasts of nursing mothers and to the neck for tonsillitis. Has a mild calming effect, can be combined with chamomile for a restful night sleep. A great herb to gather in the "wild."
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If you pick a plant with a distinctly square stalk and simple, opposite leaves, then it is very likely a member of the Mint family. Be sure to smell it too, since many species of the family are loaded with aromatic volatile oils. Some mints include Basil, Rosemary, Lavender, Marjoram,Thyme, horehound, and Horehound to name a few!
Medicinally this family is rich in volatile oils, especially menthol, often used as the penetrating vapors in cough drops. These spicy oils are stimulating and warming, causing the body to open up and sweat; so most of these plants are listed as diaphoretic in herbal books. This property can help you break a fever. A fever is the body's way of "cooking" the microorganisms that cause infections. Using a diaphoretic herb can help raise a mild fever just high enough to "cook" a virus, thus "breaking" or ending the fever. Volatile oils are also highly lethal to microorganisms

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Monday, April 4, 2011


Minerals are utilized by the body for virtually every function the body undergoes to maintain life. Only plants have the ability to convert dead, inorganic minerals gathered from the soil to organic, living minerals utilized by the animal kingdom.  The plant kingdom can bond a protein molecule with an inorganic mineral. How can we put a dead, inorganic substance in our body and expect it to grant us life?  If we could, we would be naturally attracted to consume, with delight, soil, sand, and powdered rocks.
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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dangers of meat!!!!

More evidence that the U.S. is more concerned about profit and not our health!!!
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Processed foods

Enriched foods can have non- foods substances added to things that use to be FOOD! Check out this video of processed foods and metal filings!!!!
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sassafras "root beer" herb
Sassafras grows at the edges of forests, in thickets, and along residential streets in the eastern half of the U.S. It's in season all year. If you tear or crush the leaves, they smell like root beer. You can make tea with the leaves by pouring boiling water over a handful, letting them sit covered, away from...
the heat, 20 minutes, then straining out the leaves. The root is has a stronger favor, and can be used as a blood purifier. You can also chew on sassafras twigs to freshen your breath.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Alteratives better known as "blood purifier" are herbs which alter(purify) the blood. Most herbs for blood purification promote the cleaning action of the spleen, liver, kidneys, and bowels. Poor diet and bad habits ,such as drinking and smoking, must be corrected to remove the cause of the toxicity of the blood. Herbs such... as Barberry, Dandelion, Yellow dock, Sarsparilla are a few alteratives.
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Mucoid Plaque

Due to unhealthy lifestyles and poor eating habits most people, young and old,
are developing serious problems in the intestinal tract which often times may
contribute to the development of many degenerative diseases such as: heart
problems, cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc. It has been said that modern day man
digs his own grave with his fork and spoon. It is estimated that over 90% if
disease can be directly or indirectly related to an unhealthy digestive system.
Layer upon layer of mucoid plaque is formed in the colon over many years; this
substance can accumulate until it is several inches thick and reach the entire
length of the stomach, small intestines and colon. This mucoid plaque can be so
dense and hard that it resembles dried black tar. One autopsy revealed a colon
so clogged with waste it weighed forty pounds! This mucoid plaque which is the
result of the unnatural foods we eat, is responsible for most digestive problems
and a host of other ailments.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why Fast???

 Why Fast?
Fasting is a period of abstinence from all food or specific items. Fluids are consumed in sufficient quantity to satisfy thirst and physiologic requirements. During the absence of food, the body will systematically cleanse itself of everything except vital tissue. Starvation will occur only when the body is forced to use vital tissue to survive. Although protein is being used by the body during the fast, a person fasting even 40 days on water will not suffer a deficiency of protein, vitamins, minerals or fatty acids. In the breakdown of unhealthy cells, all essential substances are used and conserved in a most extraordinary manner. Even during long fasts, the number of muscle fibers remains the same. Although the healthy cells may be reduced in size and strength for a time, they remain perfectly sound.
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Sunday, March 20, 2011


Purslane "wild edible"
Purslane grows in every region especially in the midwest, it is very common in the midwest, A WEED:) It grows a yellow flower late in the season. It has a very mild watery taste, but it is enjoyable when eaten in a salad, the stem is slightly bitter. This plant can be used externally as well..., it a good idea to put things on your skin that taste good!!!
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Friday, March 18, 2011

Natural blood pressure relief!!!

Namaste ♥...What is a natural way 2 get rid of high blood pressure???
High blood pressure responds very well to diet and breath. In particular high protein foods should be eliminated, or consumed sparingly, especially diary products. Alkaline water and eating plenty of green veggies. Although it sounds unrelated, breath is very important. Full breaths from the lower abdomen can increase oxygen to the body and help to relax the arteries, thereby lowing your pressure.It is a good idea to first start with our Detox 7 to cleanse the system, then you can maintain your levels with our Blood Pressure Relief. Thanks for your question.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Children and over the counter Meds.

If you have children, your medicine cabinet probably contains an
assortment of cough syrups, decongestants, anti-diarrhea treatments,
and fever-reducers. Such over-the-counter and prescription medications
often provide only temporary relief from symptoms.Unfortunately, they may have side-effects in the process.
For example, decongestants commonly cause drowsiness, restlessness, and rebound congestion. For most common childhood ills, herbal remedies offer a safe and effective
alternative to pharmaceutical drugs—without the side effects.
The remedies listed here are intended for children over the age of two. For treating younger children with herbs, consult your health care practitioner. 

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